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tv   Eyewitness 11PM News  CBS  February 19, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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this is wjz tv, battle. >> from the -- baltimore,. >> from the city, to the county, to your neighborhoods, it's complete coverage, it's wjz, maryland's news station. patients violated, a johns hopkins gynecologist accused of taping women and underaged girls in secrets. i'm denise koch. and here's what people are talking about. a are growing number of women are coming forward worried they were recorded with hidden cameras. accusations against the doctor came to light after he committed suicide in his home. adam may explains police fear videos may have landed on the internet. >> reporter: wjz learns federal
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authorities are involved in the investigation of dr. nikita levy. he was fired earlier this month accused of secretly taking pictures and video of his patients during examinations. >> i just can't believe it. >> reporter: tracy williams is sick to her stomach. >> what was he doing with the pictures and video. >> reporter: that is a big unknown. wjz learns gynecology fetish pornography is all over the internet. >> that is an angle we're going to be pursuing so we're working with federal partners in this case. >> reporter: johns hopkins calls the invasion of privacy intolerable, saying it violates the code of conduct and everything johns hopkins stand for. >> dr. levy was the sweetest person. this is just shocking. >> reporter: jessica whim says dr. levy saved her life when she suffered complications during childbirth and is
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outraged with johns hopkins for failing to notify patients when the investigation started outwicks ago. >> to find out the way we did, that hurt. i had to find out on the news from a family. it's not fair. i've been going to him eleven years. >> reporter: dr. levy committed suicide this week at his home in towson, patients may never get the answers they want. >> i don't know if one of the videos has me on there or not, i don't know. but i can't help from sitting here not thinking about it. >> police say it will take a long time to comb through computer hard drives and videos. they are trying to identify as many victims as possible and figure out if any could be underage. adam may, wjz eyewitness news. and baltimore city police have established a tip line for possible victims, call at (410)396-2269. breaking news tonight, police are investigating a murder suicide in north baltimore. they were called to the 3900
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block of frisbee street and found a man and woman with gunshot wounds have died. a young child was found unharmed nearby. investigators are not saying who pulled the trigger. death in police custody. a developmentally disabled man dieses after sheriff's deputies remove him from a movie theater. and his death is ruled a homicide. megan mccorkle has the case that is getting national attention. megan. >> reporter: the incident happened more than a month ago but the medical examiner has ruled that ethan sailor died of asphyxia while in police custody. investigators say security was called when 26-year-old ethan sailor refused to leave a frederick movie theater. deputy first class james harris put sailor in handcuffs, face down when he suffered a medical emergency and died. >> he's never had put their
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hands on him before in his life. >> reporter: the case has sparked outrage with hundreds commenting on the sheriff's facebook page. the sheriff issued a letter saying in part the death of mr. saylor was tragic and i want to assure everyone that a thorough investigation is being conducted. the three deputies have been placed on administrative leave pending the results of the investigation. for the past month they've been on the job. >> the family doesn't and i don't understand why they were not placed on administrative leave immediately upon the death of someone who was in their custody. >> we miss him. it's our loss. >> reporter: ethan saylor was a beloved church member. he was known for giving hugs to everyone who walked through the doors. >> in the week after he died, the seat that he sat in was covered in flowers, just dozens of people had brought flowers to remember ethan. >> reporter: friends, family, and strangers want answers about what happened to ethan.
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the sheriff's office has received so many calls about ethan's death, they're considering setting up a call center to deal with the case. reporting live, megan mccorkle, wjz eyewitness news. thank you megan, the shroves is conducting the investigation and -- sheriff's office is conducting the investigation and it will be sent to the state's attorney. a dozen people injured after explosion in kansas city. place say a utility contractor may have accidentally caused the blast while working at a restaurant. the fire engulfed an entire city block. flames could be seen shooting through roofs. kansas city leaders say at least 14 people were injured and they do not know yet if anyone was killed in the explosion. thieves get away with one of the biggest diamond heists in recent memory stealing millions of dollars in rare diamonds right f after an airplane at the brussels
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airport. mary bubala explains it happened in a matter f -- of minutes. >> reporter: security is increased with concrete barriers placed around the fence after a massive diamond heist. 8 masks gunmen dressed like police officers broke through the fence monday night and drove two cars onto the tarmac. they stole an estimated $50 million worth of diamonds on a cargo plane scheduled to fly to switzerland. >> the operation took three minutes. this was a quick hit-and-run and, very well organized. >> reporter: the suspect's car had flashing blue lights and they held the pilot and copilot at gunpoint. police found a burned out car near the airport and say it was probably used in the heist. they collected evidence from the scene. the swiss plane was carrying passengers but authorities say those on board could not see
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what was happening underneath near the cargo area. the 8 suspects were armed with machine guns but no one was hurt. mary bubala, wjz eyewitness news. the flight was canceled ask an investigation is looking into why the airport was so easy to breach. baltimore city's police commissioner is demanding a sweeping review of how weapons are used after a shooting during a training exercise. wjz live investigator mike hellgren tells about a call for action. >> reporter: one week after this tragic shooting police have yet to provide a full account of what led to it. police acknowledge protocols were not followed when a training officer shot his trainee in the head. sources tell wjz the officer mistook the service weapon with a training weapon during an exercise that was not properly supervised. the commissioner says he's visited the trainee's hospital bed several times and doctors
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say he's progressing better than expected. following the shooting, the police named a new director of the police academy and suspended six officers. state police are conducting criminal investigation. they tell us that criminal investigation could take several weeks to complete. reporting live, mike hellgren wjz eyewitness news. the trainee who is injured works with the university offender baltimore police department. he was in critical condition at last check. the perry hall high school student accused of opening fire on his classmates takes a plea deal and avoids going to trial. 15-year-old robert gladden junior could spend 14 years in prison after pleaded guilty to attempted murder. and it is finally closure for perry haul students. >> reporter: robert gladden could be in prison until he is nearly 60 years old. >> i hope it's brought closure, a little bit of closure to what
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happened. >> reporter: he is responsible for the shooting at perry haul high school that severely injured daniel. >> the road is definitely not done. he's got a ways to go. >> reporter: gladden's trial was set to begin in baltimore county are, but he pled guilty to the adult charge of first- degree attempted murder. >> there could not have been a stronger case. >> reporter: investigators say he took one of his father's shotguns to school armed to kill. police say as they hauled gladden off to jail, he said can i get the death penalty, immaterialed to kill him, i want -- i wanted to kill him and i wanted to. and it's no surprise the students here at perry hall high are in support of a guilty plea. >> that's what he gets. you don't do things like that. >> he brought a gun to school, shot a kid, he made like everyone terrified of coming back the next day. >> reporter: the prosecution was hoping for a life sentence,
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the judge deciding on a maximum of 40 years. studentsstudents while the case is closed. the wound left behind are open. >> he harmed a lot of people not just physically but emotionally. >> reporter: in baltimore, rochelle ritchie. charm city could make another run at hosting the summer olympics. right now the u.s. olympic committee is looking for potential seattles for the 2024 games. according to the media partner, the committee is showing interest in 35 cities nationwide including baltimore. they made an unsuccessful bid to cohost the 2012 olympics with washington d.c. security breach, the chinese army is tied to a massive cyber spying campaign, the critical u.s. secrets that may be at risk. shopping, slapped, the man accused of assaulting a toddler on board an airplane finally responds to the allegations.
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plus, the luck runs out for a pair of lottery winners when they nearly blow up their own home. windy and cold weather headed our way. i'm bob turk. i'll have the complete first warning forecast coming up next. complete coverage continues with denise koch, vic carter, kai jackson, and first warning weather with bob turk and sports with mark viviano. it's wjz, maryland's news station.
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there is no mass-produced human. so we created the extraordinarily comfortable sleep number experience. a collection of innovations designed around a bed with dualair technology that allows you to adjust to the support your body needs.
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each of your bodies. our sleep professionals will help you find your sleep number setting. exclusively at a sleep number store. sleep number. comfort... individualized. at the ultimate sleep number event, queen mattresses start at just $599. and save 50% on our limited edition bed. ends sunday! it is clear and 39 degrees in central maryland right now,
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the complete first warning forecast is coming up. a texas police officer loses his job when his profane outburst is caught on a dash cam. the tirade came after he was arrested for public intoxication intoxication. >> get me out of here. >> officers say andrew peterson's verbal abuse continued in the holding cell. he was off duty when he was arrested for yelling racial slurs at a hotel bar. a man in idaho charged with assaulting a toddler on a delta airlines flight makes his first court appearances. witnesses say joe hundley slapped the boy ask used a rational slur while sitting next to the child and his mother on a trip from minneapolis to atlanta. he says he will plead not guilty. he is under severe travel restrictions while he awaits trial. the chinese military is behind a startling wave of hacking attacks on major u.s.
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businesses. that's according to a sweeping cyber security review. wjz is live investigator mike hellgren tells us why this is cause for concern. >> reporter: the chinese government denies it but a report by a company in the dc area says thousands of computers have been hacked including those of major companies like apple and the new york times and those controlling infrastructure could be at risk as well. cyber security researchers say the chinese government is using its military to attack computers that control electrical grids and those that contain private government and business information. >> we saw somebody log into the victim network in the united states and check their g. mail account. law enforcement would call in a wiretap. we call it full content monitoring. >> reporter: the cyber security firm says they traced computer attacks to a nondescript office building in shanghai used by
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the chinese military, a secret division with the blessing of chinese officials. and the attacks are better funded because of that and they can be more threatening and will probably continue. several lawmakers have issued dire warnings but chinese government says it is not involved and has been hacked themselves. >> base owned premature analysis is irresponsible and unprofessional and doesn't help solve relevant issues. china opposes any form of hacking activity. >> they have reportedly targeted everything from bank accounts to the gas line supply although no critical services have been super bowled yet. and the pentagon has -- vice president interrupted yet. reporting live mike hellgren
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wjz eyewitness news. congress has not been able to agree on cyber security laws. there are so many attacks trying to prevent e them all is futile. police in wichita say explosion at a lottery winners party was caused by drug use. three adults and two children were in the home at the time. one of the adults suffered second-degree burns. two brothers through the party to celebrate their $75,000 winning ticket. one of the brothers has been arrested on possession charges. royal watchers got their first public glimpse of kate middleton's baby bump. the duchess made her first solo appearance since her pregnancy was announced in september. when kate left, two children presented her with flowers as the crowd cheered. the royal child is due sometime in july. and things were sizzling at
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cam don yards tonight thanks to a former oriole and bacon. rick dempsey's brew pub and restaurant was featuring bacon on a stick, part of tonight's airing of the united states of bacon on the discovery channel. rick dempsey describes bacon on a stick as a combination of honey baked ham and short ribs. his brew pub and restaurant is open year round. and it even is better when it's accompanied by that. >> i saw empty bottles there. >> everybody ate them, not the beer, everybody ate the bacon on the stick. >> missed that, too. >> yes, you did. take a look at temps right now, getting chilly out there. going to be cold tomorrow. 39. the breeze picking up. dew points way down. at 21. barometer way up. currently speaking of 21. only 21 degrees in oakland.
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they were in the 40s earlier. 39 here. a little warmer. 44 ocean city and 34 in hagerstown. we'll be below freezing later on tonight. 42 by the bay and we're looking at the high we had this afternoon of 44. 26 the low. may get to that overnight. 46, 27, the normals and the record 72 and 5. 1903. we have that west wind that's going to get stronger tomorrow afternoon could see wind gusts of 30 miles per hour. that would bring in colder and dryer air. we expect a good deal of sunshine. there are snow showers breaking out in the great lakes. garrett county will see some. possible maybe see frederick and could see a stray flurry tonight. don't expect too much tomorrow. it's basically a west wind coming down the mountains. so we have clear skies, now, the rain we saw earlier way offshore. boston still some rain up there. temperatures in the low 40s. to the west, 20s and 30s and
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colder temps upstream. we have a colder period for a couple of days. another weak system down in the southwest, warmer air over top the colder air. warm front setting up, maybe a little bit of rain snow mixture late friday. not expecting a lot and a chance of a little bit more shower activity as a little bit milder air comes in over the weekend. winds of the day gushing to 30 knots. and bay temp around 38 degrees right now. overnight tonight, look for a clear to partly cloudy skies. colder down around 29. the breeze will make it feel colder. 37 tomorrow. will feel more like in the 20s or low 30s most of the day because of the wind but it will be generally sunny. the next 5 days, still cold day but not as much wind on thursday. 38 friday, maybe a little frozen precip in a few spots. 38-32. warmer for the weekend, a chance of scattered rain. 42 and 46 on sunday.
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denise. thank you bob. coming up. the maryland basketball team gets back to action after the big win over duke and mark has the latest next in sports.
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mark is here with the wjz sports report, maryland beats duke you figure they could do anything. >> you would hope they could. let's see if they can. that emotional win over duke had terps fans talking ncaa tournament but coach didn't want to hear about it. he said the only game that matters is the next one. looking ahead to march madness can lead to february frustration. on the road would the terps have their feet on the ground after beating duke. logan aaronhalt with an unlikely hand. the transfer from albany with a
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season high 26 points, the terps lead in the second half. but they couldn't hang onto it. boston college scored 12 straight points to turn the tables on the terps. e he led the eagles with 26 points. here he is again. the terps follow that win over duke with a disappointing defeat on the road at bc. 69-58. 5 more regular season games left for the materials. high school hoops, baltimore city title game. edmondson dunbar, a thriller. check out isaiah trip to the hoop, this goes to overtime. tied at 63. dunbar down by 2. 9 seconds left in ot. dexter miles hit the 3-pointer, gives the lead in the final second. edmonton inbound, they get one shot to win it. shot launched at the buzzer, no
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good. dunbar wins the city title. they do it in overnight. 74-73 over edmonton, second straight city title. and the cost to see the ravens play in person goes up when the new season kicks off later this year. ticket prices will rise about 10%. it's the first time the ravens have raised prices in four years and they say the increase is not related to the super bowl l win. the decision to up ticket prices was made before this past season. baltimore sold out every game since they opened the stadium in 1998 and the ravens have one of the best home record in the nfl in that time. in baseball, chris davis and the orioles continue preparations for their upcoming season with another day of spring training workouts in florida told. the birds will split up for intrasquads tomorrow and then take on the minnesota twins in the opener this saturday. regular season opening day, six weeks from told. but who's counting. i am as a matter of fact.
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looking forward to baseball. >> because that maintains spring. coming up, flipping out, a student driver risked life and limb to set a new world
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a little car performs a mighty feat at a ski resort in france. a stunt driver takes this mini cooper up a ramp and lands a perfect 360-degree back flip in the snow. the car went 39 feet in the air. the auto maker says it's the first time a car has done an unassisted back flip. the driver said the stunt took four years to plan. we'll be right back.
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